Dar pamąstymų

it quickly became clear to us that MANY people understood that graffiti and street art was not about just about vandalism. But rather, that it raises important issues about the need to reclaim our public space; the need for us to affirm our existence on this planet by writing on walls; the need and importance of spontaneous acts of creativity to make our cities more “livable”. And so, so much more

The power of street art is that you don’t ask for, nor need, permission. At best, it’s about tolerance and understanding


Scar Mire

Žinot, jie kažkada taip vienas po kito tagavo, ypač Kalvarijų gatvės rajone.

Tai va, policininkas Šnipiškių nuovadoj rimtai klausė, ar užrašas ne apie tai, kad kažkoks Scar mirė