1. fotkinkit viska, ypac stouno ir sputo darbus. nes tikrai cia nieko neliks greitai…gaila taip ir nenusipirkau fotiko dar. kai turesiu turbut jau bus velu… ;/

  2. cia del krepsinio nx wiska buffina kuopia miesta pats zuokas juk sake, nu nx nerodyk tu cia tu nuotrauku graudu bl ukmerges gatwej iswis ten odlskulu neblogu buwo ir wiska wiska isdaze iswale, siaubas krc :)))) grff.psl.lt nejaudina krepsinis :DDD? tai koks tu lietuvis?

  3. “Hands of an artist left the landscape enchanted
    Until the government pigs had all the paint washed
    From our city walls, end of the renaissance
    And so the walls where the colours once played
    Were replaced by the buff, now a sullen blunt grey
    White washed, shitty, all grey, all black
    Waiting for the kids of this city to take their walls back”

  4. juokinga komentara cia radau vienoj skilty : “duot
    2010 06 20 08:45

    parazitams y skura ,kad ant subines kelnes plystu ,po to sepety y rankas skudurus y dantis ,duot rajona ir lai pora metu pats priziuri ,kad butu svaru ,arba plauna dazus ,savo lesom.”

  5. dar wiena auka mano padwale, melskis naxuj, nes sudraskysiu tawe kale, supisti urodai wel mano piesinius iswale, ruoskit acetona, XXX wel sistema per sikna padare!! :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDd JOW JOW JOW! :D

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