Apie rusą, kuris norėjo žinoti per daug ir uždavė klausimą carui (2024-10-21)

Mums reikia tokių rusų.

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„Voice: Darkness is upon us.
Ivan IV: Boyars (feudal nobilities) plundered the treasury of the Russian Land.
Man in the crowd 1: Boyars plundered the treasury.
Ivan IV: Voivodes (warlords) don’t want to be defenders of the Christians.
Man in the crowd 1: Voivodes don’t want to be defenders.
Ivan IV: They gave Rus’ to be torn apart by Lithuania, the Khans, the Germans.
Everyone thinks about their own wealth, having forgotten the Fatherland.
Therefore, obeying the great pity of my heart, I’m taking my states (meaning territories) back again and will rule them autocraticly.
Man in the crowd 2: And on what terms? On what terms?
Ivan IV: You will know later.
Shouting: You will know later.
Voice: Ivan the Terrible. The World history. Bank Imperial.“

(Vertimas komentatoriaus sasha_green_19910.)

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