Japonai pjauna žolę: trimeris, apsauginis skydas, švilpukas (2025-03-03)
„“At pier four there is a 34-foot yawl-rigged yacht with two of the three hundred and twenty-four Esthonians who are sailing around in different parts of the world, in boats between 28 and 36 feet long and sending back articles to the Esthonian newspapers. These articles are very popular in Esthonia and bring their authors …
2024-04-23 „Prieš kokius 5 metus ne kur kitur, keliolika kilometrų nuo LT – Suvalkuose teko matyti, kaip vienas darbuotojas trimeriu pjauna žolę, o kiti du stovi ir su tentu pridengia automobilius nuo žolių ir akmenukų. Viskas įmanoma. 😉“ https://www.facebook.com/groups/VilniusGaliGeriau/posts/953939269380427/?comment_id=954065812701106