„Jeigu pasirodo rusų, jie užpildo visą erdvę“

„Antai galima palyginti europiečių (Europoje stipriau išreikšti vyriškumo principai) ir rusų (Rusijoje stipriau išreikšti moteriškumo principai) elgesį, kai jie drauge atsiduria vienoje teritorijoje.
Europiečiai, kad ir kokia maža būtų erdvė, intuityviai pasiskirsto taip, kad niekas niekam netrukdytų, niekas nepažeistų niekieno ribų, ir net jei tai žmonių perpildyta erdvė, vis tiek užtenka vietos visų interesams. Jeigu pasirodo rusų, jie užpildo visą erdvę. Greta nelieka vietos niekam kitam. Savo elgesiu jie pažeidžia šalia esančiojo erdvę, kadangi nejaučia savo ribų. Įsivyrauja chaosas.“

Vaikų ir šeimos psichologė Marta Lukovnikova (Марта Луковникова).


Dėl kai kurių autorės teiginių galima ginčytis, bet šią rusišką savybę – užpildyti savimi nejaučiant savo ribų ir nepaliekant vietos kitiems – ji įvardijo labai tiksliai.

Rusai Nanga Parbate ir mirties baimė (2024-02-22)


„No one is going to climb Nanga-Parbat this year except the Russians. Seriously, I have a source in Gilgit and he says the only climbing teams still planning to come are the Russians, because those magnificent bastards are just not afraid of death. I thought the fear of death was Darwinian but believe me, you hang around Russians for a while and you find out nope, it’s cultural. And their culture doesn’t have it.


Susijusi nuoroda: http://50000.lt/ordinary-day-taking-the-trash-out-in-russia.

Šeši ar devyni? (2024-02-19)

20240219 six or nine.jpg

Just because you are right, does not mean, I am wrong.

But one of those people is wrong, someone painted a six or a nine, they need to back up and orient themselves, see if there are any other numbers to align with. Maybe there’s a driveway or a building to face, or they can ask someone who actually knows.

People having an uni[n]formed opinion about something they don’t understand and proclaiming their opinion as being equally valid as facts is what is ruining the world. No one wants to do any research, they just want to be right.“

Šaltinis: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=10155439266966441&set=a.10151013353796441&comment_id=10155439288056441&__tn__=R*F (2018-08-12).

„”Chesterton’s fence” is the principle that reforms should not be made until the reasoning behind the existing state of affairs is understood. The quotation is from Chesterton’s 1929 book, The Thing: Why I Am a Catholic, in the chapter, “The Drift from Domesticity”:
In the matter of reforming things, as distinct from deforming them, there is one plain and simple principle; a principle which will probably be called a paradox. There exists in such a case a certain institution or law; let us say, for the sake of simplicity, a fence or gate erected across a road. The more modern type of reformer goes gaily up to it and says, ‘I don’t see the use of this; let us clear it away.’ To which the more intelligent type of reformer will do well to answer: ‘If you don’t see the use of it, I certainly won’t let you clear it away. Go away and think. Then, when you can come back and tell me that you do see the use of it, I may allow you to destroy it.’“
